
sheternity is simple; no beginning, no end. everything and everyone is one.
there’s one truth. peace was, is and forever will be…

What It’s All About

The Sheternity Project is about eternal perfect truth and peace, which everyone knows. We know because we are made from, by, and for eternal perfect truth and peace.  Eternal perfect truth and peace is like the DNA of our DNA.

Eternal energy is what we are created from, fashioned into. We are one with eternal energy flowing through space and stars and planets, animals, vegetables, minerals. If God is the word or name we know eternal energy by, we are one with God, space and stars and planets, animals, vegetables, minerals. Eternal energy is perfect truth and peace. 

Evil isn’t the opposite of peace; it is the lack of peace. Power isn’t the opposite of peace; it is the lack of peace. Read, study, think about Jesus. It was unlike Jesus to wield power. Jesus did not respond to power with power. Jesus never fought fire with fire, in fact Jesus never fought. Jesus’ intention for everything was peace, his peace, peace of every protagonist, peace of every antagonist.

The sheternity Project is about eternal perfect truth and peace. The reality of perfect truth and peace tended to be spiritual imperative and material practice at least as far back as the Neolithic Period and right up to the time the Bible, beginning with the Torah came to be. Virtually every culture and tribe related peacefully to a feminine deity. Only the tribes of Israel disrupted the paradigm by imagining a manly God of strength and power always at war with evil, favoring an eternally small number of spiritsapiens and willing to ignore, punish or vanquish all the rest.

For more than six thousand years, the majority of spiritsapiens have known that judgment is not ours, nor is it God’s: All sins are forgiven even before committed. Justice is not an eye for an eye or anything like that, justice is peace all around.

The Sheternity Project is about peace which is experienced personally and suffused in everything. It’s about slipping free from notions of power. The Bible is an amazing book and will always inform religion and lead us into the vicinity of spirituality, but the Bible is not the Word of God, it is not even the words of God. Deities have no lips or vocal cords. 

All scripture is useful, some to imitate, some to ignore, some to do the opposite and some to do as Jesus did, peacefully consider the options and come up with another that is personally peaceful and doesn’t taint the environment in which others experience peace. 


Rev. Edward John Devine (we, one)